The inspector is a tabbed interface which lets you see and edit the attributes of the selected cue or cues. You can find it beneath the cue list, and it can be shown or hidden while in Edit Mode by selecting Inspector from the View menu or using the keyboard shortcut ⌘I. You can also pop the inspector out of the main window by clicking on the button on the right side of the inspector tab bar. The inspector is disabled when in Show Mode.
The tabs shown in the inspector vary depending on the type of cue or cues selected. All cue types, as well as cue lists and cue carts, have the Basics tab and Triggers tab which are described below. Other tabs will be described in the sections of the documentation that discuss the various cue types.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, the Basics tab shows basic properties of the cue. Many of these properties are also editable from the Cue list.
When a cue is given the signal to start, we say that the cue is triggered. The most straightforward way to trigger a cue is to press the GO button (or use the space bar) when the cue is standing by, but there are also several ways to directly trigger a cue even when it is not standing by.
The left side of the Triggers tab gives you access to four of those ways to directly trigger a cue. You can use these triggers in any combination. To activate a trigger, check the checkbox next to it. To deactivate a trigger, uncheck the box.
The right side of the Triggers tab gives you several options for shaping QLab’s behavior for the cue when it is triggered. Note that these right side options apply to the cue no matter how the cue is triggered, including when it’s triggered by the GO button.
Nearly any key on the keyboard that’s not being used for something else can be assigned to trigger a cue when pressed. The Esc key is permanently assigned to Panic/Stop all, so that’s out, and any keys that have already been assigned functions in Key Map Settings cannot be used as cue triggers. Beyond that, however, you’re free to choose any key you like.
To assign a hotkey trigger, check the box to enable the trigger, and then click in the text field and type the key or key combination that you want to assign to the selected cue. To clear the assignment, click on the X button to the right of the text field.
Hotkey triggers behave just like regular keyboard shortcuts for menu items; for example, by assigning the Hotkey J
to a cue, any time you press J on the keyboard, that cue will start even if it is not currently standing by. Hotkeys may include modifier keys (option, control, function, and shift). Hotkeys are particularly useful for triggering scripts that act on selected cues.
Cues can be triggered with external hardware or software using MIDI voice messages here.
To assign a MIDI trigger, check the box to enable the trigger and then either program in the message manually, or click the Capture button to record an incoming message.
MIDI trigger values can include > and < operators, or be set to “any”. This is particularly helpful for MIDI Note On messages, where a specific note velocity won’t necessarily be achieved with each press of the MIDI controller. If you set the velocity (byte 2) to “any”, QLab will respond to the specified MIDI note regardless of velocity.
The wall clock trigger will trigger a cue at a specific time of day and, optionally, only on certain days of the week.
To assign a wall clock trigger, check the box to enable the trigger and then enter a time in the field. Be sure to enter the hours, minutes, and seconds; if you type “10:30” QLab will interpret that as ten minutes, thirty seconds past midnight, not as ten hours, thirty minutes, and no seconds. You can select either AM, PM, or 24-hour time as suits your preference, and you can click on the button labeled Every Day to select the days of the week on which you want the trigger to be active.
Please note that computer clocks will drift if left to their own devices, so if your show computer is offline or if you’ve disabled online clock setting, be sure to check your clock’s accuracy at least weekly.
Cues can be triggered from incoming LTC (SMPTE) or MTC timecode, but only if timecode has been enabled for the enclosing cue list. You can enable timecode for a Cue List in the Timecode tab of the inspector when the cue list is selected.
To assign a timecode trigger, check the box to enable the trigger and then enter a time in the field. The drop-down menu to the right of the field lets you choose to enter the timecode trigger using either the timecode format of reel:minutes:seconds:frames
or the real-time format of hours:minutes:seconds:decimals
When this box is checked, triggering the cue will fade and stop other cues over the given time. The drop down menu lets you choose which other cues will be faded and stopped. You can choose amongst three options:
When this box is checked, all other cues in the same cue list or cart that have audio will be ducked or boosted by the given level, fading over the given time.
If this cue has a pre-wait time, the duck or boost begins after the pre-wait has elapsed.
When a cue is triggered while it is already running, it can be set to behave in one of five ways:
The checkbox marked Also perform second trigger when releasing trigger pertains only when a hotkey trigger, a MIDI trigger, or both are assigned to the cue. If so, and this box is checked, then QLab responds to the release of the trigger as though it’s a second trigger. This is a straightforward way to get sampler-like behavior out of QLab. If you assign a hotkey to a cue, set that cue to stop or panic on a second trigger, and check this box, then pressing the hotkey will start the cue, and releasing the hotkey will stop it.
QLab 4.4 and later allows you to open multiple inspector windows, each of which can be independently assigned to inspect a specific cue.
In the screen shot above, the main inspector is showing properties of the selected cue, cue 201, and a secondary inspector has been opened which is showing the Time & Loops tab of cue 101.
You can open secondary inspector windows by choosing Inspector for Selected Cue from the View menu, or by using the keyboard shortcut ⇧⌘I.
If you have multiple cues selected, QLab will open one inspector window for each cue.
Unlike the main inspector, which always inspects the selected cue in the main workspace window, secondary inspector windows do not automatically change which cue they’re inspecting. You can manually select which cue a secondary inspector is inspecting by using the drop-down menu in the footer of the window. You can also open a new secondary inspector window for the same cue by clicking the button.
To keep a secondary inspector window floating on top of all other windows, check the box marked Float.
When the main inspector is popped out, it can be difficult to distinguish from secondary inspectors.
The screen shot above shows the main inspector on top and a secondary inspector below it. There are three clues to help you identify which is which:
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