Using touchscreens with QLab
Advanced Bitfocus Companion variables
Advanced Bitfocus Companion programming
From near or far.
Triggering cues musically
or, A Journey Through UI Scripting
External mixer control
Advanced hand-on control with TouchOSC
With manual or automated paths
QLab and Vuo.
Further explorations in hardware control of QLab
Building multitrack audio files with QLab
Controlling Modular Synthesizers With QLab
When all you have is a Chromebook, everything looks like an Android-shaped nail...
or, Scrolling Quite A Lot
Sound design in the 21st century...
Making better masks
Mattes and Masks and Blends, oh my!
Long Live Lemur!
Is that your final answer?
Importing, exporting, and understanding slice markers
AudioUnits within AudioUnits
Advanced surface mapping.
Putting the "hands on" in... hands on...
Replicating classic vision mixer effects in QLab
Don't have a followspot? Use your projector!
Build a custom touch interface for QLab.
Visually locate cue points in videos.