Using touchscreens with QLab
Forward, Backward, Rewind, Fast-Forward
Over the threshold
One-click start and end trimming
Triggering cues musically
or, A Journey Through UI Scripting
External mixer control
Advanced hand-on control with TouchOSC
With manual or automated paths
Locate to named markers.
Building multitrack audio files with QLab
QLab for Science!
An introduction to the process
Only a ninja can fade out another ninja
When all you have is a Chromebook, everything looks like an Android-shaped nail...
Animate to the beat using OSC queries
Sound design in the 21st century...
Is that your final answer?
Importing, exporting, and understanding slice markers
AudioUnits within AudioUnits
Mix multitrack recording live in QLab
It's hard work getting it wrong the right way...
Doppler means so much more than just weather radar...
Using AudioUnit effects on Audio cues, Mic cues, and outputs.
A better starting place for audio programming.
Exit loops with style and panache.
Q drops keep falling on my head
Build a custom touch interface for QLab.
How to perfectly replicate 19th century technology using 21st century technology.