For this How-To, let’s suppose that you want to play some scene change music, and then when the scene change completes, you want to crossfade to the background atmosphere of a city park over the course of ten seconds.
There is more than one way to make a crossfade, but this way is particularly tidy.
- Create an Audio cue for your scene change music. Name the cue “Music.”
- Set the levels of that cue to suit your taste and needs.
- Create a Fade cue that targets “Music” and sets its level to
, with the Stop target when done box checked. Set the duration of this Fade cue to 10 seconds.
- Create an Audio cue for your city park atmosphere. Name it “Park.”
- Set the levels of that cue to the levels at which you want it to play during the scene, after the crossfade happens.
- With the “Park” cue selected, choose Copy Levels from the Tools menu.
- Create a Fade cue that targets “Park,” and with this Fade cue selected choose Paste Levels from the Tools menu. Set the duration of this Fade cue to 10 seconds.
- In the Levels tab of the inspector, click once on the master level text field to turn it yellow.
- Select the “Park” cue, and bring its master level to
- Create a Group cue and name it “Crossfade to park.”
- Set the mode of the Group cue to “Start all children simultaneously.”
- Place the “Park” cue and both Fade cues within the Group cue.
- Trigger the “Music” cue. When you’re ready, trigger the “Crossfade to park” cue.
- Voila!