An issue where stopping LTC input and starting it at a later time could cause a temporary 'fast-forward' effect.
Fixes a bug that prevented the "Edit Cue Notes" hot key from working correctly.
Fixes a bug that prevented typing a decimal point in the "Blend gamma" field of the Video Surface Editor.
A crash that could occur when inspecting a Fade cue that was targeting a Group cue.
Fixes several crashes that could occur if certain system fonts are not installed.
An issue that prevented Light cues from resuming if they had been paused during their pre-wait period. (It was particularly easy to encounter this issue when using Light cues in timeline groups.)
A bug where cloning an instrument definition would overwrite the old file.
Improved support for Enttec DMX USB Pro Mk2 devices which do not properly report their identity.
Additional stability improvements related to corner-case GUI exceptions.
OSC messages which address workspaces by name (e.g. “/workspace/the_workspace_name/some_osc_command”) previously needed to exactly match the display name of the workspace, which might or might not include the file extension of the document, depending on macOS settings. Now, using the document name without the file extension will also match, even if the file extension is displayed.
Instrument definitions for the Rosco I-Cue now include support for the pan/tilt control in the Light Dashboard.
Instrument definition for the Chroma-Q Moving Mirror.
Instrument definition for Epson Pro laser projectors.
Instrument definition for the Panasonic PT-RZ670 projector.