QLab 4.2.4 Release Notes


Video opacity works again on older graphics cards from 2008/2009.


Restarting a paused Camera cue that displays a Syphon video input will no longer crash.


The MIDI input channel for the Light settings is now saved.


A bug that prevented a Group cue in “random” mode from working properly if the group contained only a single armed cue.


Fixes an issue that caused the text cursor to disappear when opening the inspector for a Text cue that contains no text.


Fixes a regression in 4.2.0 that affected the position of a Text cue if set to a fixed width or if a drop shadow was applied to the text.


A bug when importing a show exported from Go Button that contains "empty" cues that have no audio files assigned.


The auto-update mechanism was sending identifiable license information in what was supposed to be an anonymous system profile. All identifiable information has been stripped from this profile to make it anonymous again, previously collected license profile data has been deleted from our server, and the server has been adjusted to drop any non-anonymous data sent in from older versions.


Miscellaneous other bug fixes.


Simplifies the workspace created when importing a Go Button show by no longer adding Arm / Disarm cues inside the internal start actions group.


Show the Machine ID in the Licenses window whenever you are not logged in, to make it easier to find the Machine ID for use when activating via https://figure53.com.

Download 4.2.4

4.2.4 is a previous version of QLab. You can find the latest version here.

Release Date
May 30th, 2018
MacOS 10.10 - macOS 14