A crash that could occur with cue carts.
A bug that could cause workspaces to report themselves as modified when first opened.
A memory leak for long-running fades.
QLab is now less strict about requiring the expected number of arguments for certain OSC commands, allowing third-party software that always sends OSC arguments (e.g. TouchOSC) to again work with certain QLab OSC methods.
A bug that would cause a customized cue toolbox to be reset to the default order if you launched QLab by double-clicking on a workspace file in the Finder.
Increased resilience and diagnostic tools for unexpected conditions when attempting to install a license.
The orientation of the time elapsed / time remaining icons in the cue list header has been fixed.
Miscellaneous other small bugs.
QLab will no longer try to auto-fill your email address when opening the “Contact Support” window; people often thought we were trying to do something sneaky by accessing contacts.
Video cues will now watch their file targets for changes and reload the file, the way audio cues do.
New OSC method for all cues: loadAndSetPlayhead
(Like pressing “L” on a cue selected in the cue list.)