QLab Educational Policy

QLab’s educational discount is intended to get QLab into the hands of students as designers, programmers, and operators. Educational discounts are available to students, professional teachers, accredited educational institutions, and any situation in which QLab is being taught to students as part of an ongoing curriculum of technical theater or theatrical design.

To access educational pricing, create an account using your educational email address at qlab.app/account, then write to support@figure53.com with a photo or scan of your school ID for confirmation of your educational status.

We have two different types of educational licenses: Standard Educational Licenses (available for rent-to-own and purchase) and Site Licenses.

QLab 5 Educational Pricing options

License TypeActivationsFeature SetsPurchasePrice

Standard Educational Rent-to-own

Receive store credit for the entire dollar amount you spend on rental licenses. How does store credit work?

2 ActivationsAny combination of Audio, Lighting, or VideoNo purchase minimum
  • 1 feature $4/day
  • 2 features $7/day
  • 3 features $10/day

Standard Educational License

Standard Educational licenses are perpetual and valid for all releases of QLab 5.

2 ActivationsAny combination of Audio, Lighting, or VideoNo purchase minimum
  • 1 feature $399
  • 2 features $749
  • 3 features $949

Perpetual Site Licenses

Perpetual Site licenses are valid for all releases of QLab 5.

1 ActivationPerpetual Site licenses include all three features: Audio, Lighting and Video10 or more


Unlimited Site License

Unlimited Site licenses are time limited. Once an Unlimited Site license has expired, you will have to purchase or rent another license.

unlimitedUnlimited Site licenses include all three features: Audio, Lighting and Videounlimited

monthly for $349/month, or yearly for $3499/12-month period.

What features does each license unlock?

QLab 5 is free to download and use. You can unlock additional optional features by purchasing and activating a license. You can find out which of the major features are unlocked by each type of license (Audio, Video, Lighting) here

Do you accept Purchase Orders?

We're unable to accept purchase orders. The best and most efficient way to make a purchase is via credit card or PayPal via our online store or electronic invoice.

If this is not possible, we also accept payment via bank transfer or check. Because bank transfers and checks must be processed manually, we have to wait to release the license until the money reaches our account. That can take anywhere from a couple days to a month depending on the payment method. Additionally, there is a $40 processing fee associated with these types of payments.

Can you complete our vendor paperwork?

Unfortunately, we're not able to complete any vendor paperwork. We have an extremely small team and even a small amount of paperwork represents a large portion of our time. If it's helpful, you can write to us for a copy of our W9 and sole source letter.

I’d like to purchase a Site license, but do not see it in the store. How do I purchase one?

Site licenses aren't listed on our website at this time, so if you'd like to purchase one, let us know how many licenses you’d like to purchase and your start date, and we’ll send you an electronic invoice that you can pay using our online store.

I have a QLab 4 license, is there an upgrade discount for educational users?

You can trade in your QLab 4 license for a significant discount on QLab 5 purchases.

Upgrade Discounts

LicenseTrade-in value
QLab 4 audio, video, or lighting$261
QLab 4 "pick two"$509
QLab 4 pro bundle$600

As part of upgrading to QLab 5, your v4 licenses will be deactivated from all machines where it’s currently active. As part of the checkout process, you can choose to automatically install QLab 5 licenses on computers that are currently licensed with QLab 4. If your old license was activated on three computers, you can select up to two that you’d like licensed with QLab 5.

If you want to upgrade but still need to run shows using QLab 4, no problem! QLab 4.7 and later can be authorized by a QLab 5 license. Your two installations can be split up however you see fit - you can license two copies of QLab 4, one each of QLab 4 and QLab 5, or two copies of QLab 5 at a time.

If you rented QLab 4, your store credit is still in your account and can be applied to the purchase of QLab 5 at 100% of its value.

Site licenses can be traded in for 50% of their value. If you would like to upgrade a site license, reach out to our support team.