Cues are the fundamental building blocks of QLab. They are an atomic unit of action. The particular action that a cue performs is determined by its type. The set of available cue types is determined by what QLab Plugins were loaded when the application was launched.
Several basic properties are shared by most cues. These include the following:
- Number. The number you assign to a cue may be any unique number or string, or may be empty. Cue Numbers are always unique in a workspace.
- Name. The name you assign to a cue may be any string, or may be empty.
- Pre Wait. The pre wait of a cue determines how long the playback of the cue sequence is blocked before the cue is fired.
- Duration. The duration of a cue describes how long it takes for the cue to complete. Some cues are instantaneous, and so do not display a duration.
- Post Wait. The post wait of a cue determines how long the playback of the cue sequence is blocked after a cue is fired.
- Autocontinue. The autocontinue parameter of a cue determines if playback continues automatically after a cue is fired and the post wait is complete.
- Target. The target of a cue, if it exists, describes what resource the cue acts upon. (A target may be a file or another cue.)
- Target Number. The target number of a cue, if it exists, is the number of the targeted cue.
Firing a cue generally causes four things to happen, in this order:
- If a pre wait duration is specified for the cue, the pre wait is performed.
- The action of the cue is begun. (e.g. sound begins to play, another cue sequence is given the “start” command, etc.)
- If a post wait duration is specified for the cue, the post wait is performed.
- If the autocontinue flag is set on the cue, the next cue in the sequence is fired. (i.e. QLab starts again at step 1 for the next cue.)
Firing a running cue has no effect on the cue; it continues to run until it is stopped or completes running on its own.
Cue Types